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Programme: Que viva Mexico !

4 courts métrages

In February and March 2020, twelve film students from HEAD - Geneva studying for a degree in film studies headed to Tepotzlán, a town of 30,000 inhabitants in Morelos, a mountainous region in Mexico that film buffs know is a favourite film location of director Carlos Reygadas. During their stay, the students were fully immersed in the filmmaker's creative universe and benefited from his guidance when making their own short films.

Screenings and tickets

Les films du programme

69120 caras

2020 | 18 minutes | Colour
Language: Spanish | Subtitles: French
documentary | Suisse, | Mexique |
Anaïs Durmort
Joséphine Berthou
Cast & Crew

Nuit de Mars

2020 | 19 minutes | Colour
Language: Spanish | Subtitles: French
Docu-fiction | Suisse, | Mexique |
Pierre Barral
Loris Ciaburri
Cast & Crew

El Sheriff mira al mono matar

2020 | 18 minutes | Colour
Language: Spanish | Subtitles: French
fiction | Suisse, | Mexique |
Louis Rebetez
Benjamin Goubet
Cast & Crew


2020 | 26 minutes | Colour
Language: Spanish | Subtitles: French
Docu-fiction | Suisse, | Mexique |
Valentin Lebeau
Lucie Goldryng
Cast & Crew
image en background

Conception et développement: Agence MiNT

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