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Other Juries 2017

Critics’ Choice Award

  • Thomas Gerber, Switzerland
  • Michael Sennhauser, Switzerland
  • Katharina Steiert, Germany


jury critics choice


  • Vanessa Elges, Germany
  • Joaquim Roqué Paret, Spain
  • Lucas Vischer, Switzerland


jury ficc

Ecumenical Jury

  • Dorothea Lanz, Switzerland
  • Monica Lienin, Switzerland
  • Françoise Lods, France
  • Murti Hadi Wijayanto, France/Indonesia


jury oecumenique

Youth Jury COMUNDO

  • Vincent Annen, Switzerland
  • Lucie Caille, Switzerland
  • Benoit Dietrich, Switzerland
  • Elena Pilloud, Switzerland
  • Carmen Steg, Switzerland
  • Jeremy Zahno, Switzerland
jury des jeunes

Jury CH Cinema Network

  • Fiorenza Conforti, Switzerland
  • Charlotte Klinke, Switzerland
  • Lucca Kohn, Switzerland
  • Robin Mognetti, France
  • Mateo Ybarra, Switzerland


jury reseau

Foreign Visa Jury

The Nepali filmmakers and producers invited for the New Territory section

image en background

Conception et développement: Agence MiNT

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