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Fribourg fait son cinéma

3 courts métrages

FIFF is once again delighted to showcase some of the best films made in Fribourg. We have chosen three documentaries which are different in their own way, but together form a coherent whole. At the centre of all three are encounters with surprising people, as well as Fribourg's legendary friendliness and good humour.

Screenings in the presence of the directors: 21.03 at 21.30 and 25.03 at 12:00

Screenings and tickets

Les films du programme

Art of the Encounter

2022 | 29 minutes | Colour
Language: French , English , German , Greek , Serbian | Subtitles: English
documentary |
Marinka Limat , Switzerland, 1983
Cast & Crew

Comme un Arbre

2022 | 37 minutes | Colour
Language: French , Malagasy | Subtitles: French, German
documentary |
Flavio Sanchez Moreno , Switzerland, 1998
Cast & Crew

Benjamin Gapany : La Force des Traditions

2022 | 26 minutes | Colour
Language: French | Subtitles: German
documentary |
Titouan Bessire , Switzerland, 1991
Cast & Crew
image en background

Conception et développement: Agence MiNT

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