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La Petite Fabrique de nuages

5 courts métrages
no dialogue

What if we were able to travel on a flying boat or a balloon machine? What happens when you look up at the stars for a long time? The five beautiful shorts in this evening programme follow a variety of feathered, furry and human heroes on their adventures. While different in style, all five films celebrate kindness and friendship. CH

Suggested age 4+ 
No dialogue 

Screenings and tickets

Les films du programme

Olas del cielo Des Vagues dans le Ciel

2015 | 8 minutes | Colour
Language: no dialogue
animation |
Gildardo Santoyo del Castill
Cast & Crew

The Little Light Petite Flamme

2018 | 8 minutes | Colour
Language: no dialogue
animation |
Vladislav Bayramgulov
Cast & Crew

Two Balloons Deux Ballons

2017 | 9 minutes | Colour
Language: no dialogue
animation |
Mark C. Smith
Cast & Crew

Lemon & Elderflower Citron et Sureau

2018 | 3 minutes | Colour
Language: no dialogue
animation |
Ilenia Cotardo
Cast & Crew


2019 | 16 minutes | Colour
Language: no dialogue
animation |
Marco Nick
Cast & Crew
image en background

Conception et développement: Agence MiNT

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