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La Jetée - 12 Monkeys

2 courts métrages
World War Three has brought the world to its knees and humanity is in peril. In Paris, the former City of Light, survivors live underground in the Palais de Chaillot galleries. One of them is sent out to seek help; a search that sees him travel through the past and the future. With the exception of one short, live-action scene, the film consists of a series of still images that tell a deeply affecting story.

Screenings and tickets

Les films du programme

La Jetée

1962 | 29 minutes | Black and white
Language: French | Subtitles: German
fiction | France |
Chris Marker
Cast & Crew

12 Monkeys L'Armée des 12 Singes

1995 | 129 minutes | Colour
Language: English , French | Subtitles: French, German
fiction | États-Unis |
Terry Gilliam
Cast & Crew
image en background

Conception et développement: Agence MiNT

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